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An Error Occurred While Trying To Publish Or Save Your Post

Why does blogger show error when I try to publish or save my post?

Why does blogger show error when I try to publish or save my post An error occurred while trying to publish or save your post

This article is especially for those blog spot bloggers who face the duduk kasus of getting error while trying to save or publish a post.

“An error occurred while trying to save or publish your post. Please try again. Ignore warning”

If you are also encountering the same problem, first try one of the most prescribed processes of solving problems in blogger- clear cache, cookies, and active logins, and restart the browser.

How to clear cache, cookies, and active logins?

If you don’t know how to clear cache, cookies, and active logins, download the free and latest version ofCcleaner and install it.
Once you've installed Ccleaner, open it and click on run cleaner. But remember that you must close all the open browsers before running Ccleaner.

An alternate to this process would be to try a different browser- if this helps fix your problem, your computer, Internet Service and blogger are the primary cause of the problem.


1. Your Internet Connection Might be Slow:
Before posting a post check your internet speed, when you’re posting you need minimum 50kb of speed. And when there is low speed or disconnecting again and again, your post cannot be saved.

2. You Might Have Written A Very Long Article:
It is a good idea to post small or medium size articles, but if you can’t shorten your article, you must keep in mind that a blog post must not exceed the limit of 1000 words per post/article.

3. You Might Have Used Many Headings, Subheadings or Minor Headings:
This may also cause the duduk kasus as there should be only one heading, subheading and minor heading in a post/article.

4. You Might Have Used Many Words or Phrases in Bold or Italics:
When we use some words or phrases in bold or italics, it makes the search engine robots to recognize the theme of the post/article. So avoid using it repeatedly.

In my opinion that I’ve gained from my personal experience, if you mind all four above points carefully, you are not going to see the same error message again.

Many people come up with many solutions and be helpful for others. If you have found the solution to the duduk kasus or if you think there’s some other solution for the same, please be kind enough to let us know in comment.

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